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Recent reports, including that from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have concluded that the global climate crisis is worsening.
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PROVIDING A FASTER, MORE ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS AND EXEMPLARY PATIENT EXPERIENCE. This family-owned and operated private practice is also a leader in research and innovation, setting a service benchmark.
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Facial nerve enhancement can occur in many pathological conditions including Bell’s Palsy, infections, inflammation, neoplasms, trauma, cholesteatoma and neurofibromatosis.
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Patient presented with right flank pain that had been ongoing for the last two weeks. She had dysuria, fever as well as ongoing nausea. See how MBR solved this case.
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Philips Spectral CT 7500 has won a Minnie Award in the category of Best New Radiology Device of 2021.
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Patient presented with left loin pain that had been ongoing for a couple of weeks. Spectral CT demonstrated a focal epiploic appendagitis in the mid descending colon anterior margin. Case solved.
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MRI can depict the complex anatomy of the TMJ, including disc, articular surface, fibrous capsule, ligaments, and muscles of mastication as shown in this feature study.
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Bartholin gland cyst occurs in 3% of adult women. It is often difficult to differentiate between Bartholin cyst and Bartholin abscess on physical examination, therefore imaging is increasingly being used as part of the diagnostic evaluations.
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Dual-energy CT can improve the diagnosis of inflamed kidney foci in acute pyelonephritis in comparison to conventional imaging. It allows for the identification of pathologic foci of inflamed kidney parenchyma - beneficial in the evaluation of acute pyelonephritis.
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Spectral CT can obtain different material datasets such as iodine mapping and low-energy monochromatic images which can improve cancer detection and differentiation. In this case, the iodine maps highlight enhancing malignant lesions in the right breast and adjacent lymph node, later confirmed by core needle biopsy.
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Liposarcomas are rare tumours derived from the mesodermal tissue which are found most commonly in the lower extremities. Liposarcomas of the spermatic cord are a rare cause of groin mass and pain which can mimic the symptoms of more common conditions such as inguinal hernias.
This case was confirmed histologically and managed surgically.
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Dual energy CT can obtain different material datasets, such as uric acid mapping, which is beneficial in identifying the urate crystal in the joints causing gout (shown as green lesions on the 3D mapping). Gout is the most common crystal arthropathy seen. This case was confirmed histologically and managed surgically.
Gold Coast
World-Class Radiology
Mermaid Beach Radiology offers a new direction in class leading imaging technology, innovation and research in private practice. We use our superior technical capabilities to provide an expedited and more confident diagnosis to enhance clinical decision making and improve the lives of our clients.