Our state of the art Cone Beam improves the patient experience at every step of the imaging workflow. Consistently high-quality and fast results are made possible by the adaptive intelligence of Cone Beam, which helps keep the radiographer close to the patient and offers consistency scan to scan.

What is a
Cone Beam CT?
Cone beam computed tomography (CT) is a special type of x-ray machine that provides the highest resolution of 2D and 3D examinations, ideal for diagnoses concerning either complete or partial dentition, single dental arches and all maxillofacial regions. Cone Beam CT is used in situations where regular dental or facial x-rays are not sufficient or as a lower radiation dose alternative to regular CT scans of the head and face are preferred (e.g. for children) Mermaid Beach Radiology’s Newtom Giano-HR 3D CBCT gives approximately 92% lower dose of radiation than a medical CT of the head. Cone beam CT is not the same as conventional CT. However, dental cone beam CT can be used to produce images that are similar to those produced by conventional CT imaging.
Before a Cone Beam CT?
No special preparation is necessary for your Cone Beam Scan. Our staff will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have before seeing us.
After a Cone Beam CT?
You will not experience any pain during a cone beam CT, and you will be able to return to your normal activities once the exam is complete.